hey there
I'm Kristen Rahel
When I was a teenager I saw a 70lb golden retriever come bounding with excitement up to a tiny 2 month old baby girl. With concern for the babies safety I wanted to stop the golden and insist he go outside! Instead, I was told to watch. What I saw was this big old goofy dog suddenly drop down to the ground and army crawl up to the babies toes, reaching his snout out as far as possible to lick her little, tiny toes.
After seeing Goldens act like this over and over in my life, from my first golden (Winston) to our current pups (Samson, Angel, and Rosie), I've seen immense gentle love and compassion imminent from every golden. THIS is why my husband, Ryan and I breed goldens. We want every family, single person, couple, child and baby to experience the snuggles, love, joy, immense gentleness, and playful fun of a golden. Having a dog that you can always trust around your friends, your kids, and your family is a unique aspect only found in goldens. We work hard to love every pup (as do my 4 kids!) in an "all in" manner while they are with me so that our Pup-parents will be blessed deeply by them.

THE MAIN CHARACTER in your story is you
As a breeder, my desire is to make this experience smooth and stress free. We choose to run our business with as little control on the pup's new parents as we can. YOU get to choose your pup. YOU get photos and video updates. YOU get to decide if they get vaccinated. YOU get to decide whether they are spayed/neutered. This is YOUR forever-pup.

Facts About Me
Puppy Love
We raise all of our pups in our home. They are woken up and played with by our 3 cats, 2 dogs, 4 children... and of course myself and my husband.
Our mom and dad are the family dogs that are constantly loved on. Our business is not about the business of selling, its about the business of making lives and creating love.

My animal-lover daughter, Tehilah, with the pups
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of our little angels